Events and Highlights

Music Concert “Music & Mantra” by Kummar Chatterjee:

Date: Feb 28, 2015

Venue: Nehru Center Auditorium, Worli

Chief Guest: Mr. Anu Malik, Eminent Music Director

Guest of Honor: Ms. Sangita Jindal, Chairperson JSW Foundation

Sponsored by: Priyadarshni Academy

Highlights: Shri Chatterjee sang bhajans in Hindi to a spellbound audience. He has earlier performed all over the world including twice in White House in the presence of President Barak Obama. Ms. Satya Hinduja, the composer, producer and D J also rendered a musical piece in the event

"Sureela Safar"- A Musical Journey with Kaajal and Aditi:

Date: Jan 21, 2014

Venue: Jai Hind College Auditorium

Chief Guest: Adv. Ashish Shelar, President, BJP, Mumbai

Organized by: Priyadarshni Academy in collaboration with Jai Hind College

Highlights: Kaajal Chandiramani and Aditi Seth, both of whom have adorned the music scene in India and abroad sang a wide variety of songs in Hindi, Punjabi and Sindhi

Sindhi dance drama "Gaurav Ghan" and play "Sindhi Boliji Atamkatha":

Date: Jan 17, 2013

Venue: St. Andrew’s Auditorium

Organized by: Mr. Murli Adnani, Chairman, Friends of International Sindhis

Chief Guest: Mr. Nanik Rupani, Chairman, Priyadarshni Academy

Music Concert by Kummar Chatterjee:

Date: Nov 9, 2012

Venue: Nehru Center Auditorium

Highlights: Shri Chatterjee sang bhajans in Hindi, Gujarati and Bengali and Ghajals in Urdu. He has performed in White House in Washington infront of US President Barak Obama and many other International forums. Priyadarshni Academy supported the event.

Inauguration of National Seminar on Practical use of Sindhi Language & Cultural Program:

Date: June 3-4, 2012

Venue: Yashwantrao Chavan Academy, Pune

Organized by: National Council for Promotion of Sindhi language and Puj Ubauro Panchayat Trust

Chief Guest: Shri Sanjayji Deotale, Maharashtra Minister for Cultural Affairs

Guests of Honor: Mr. P. P. Chhabria, Chairman, Finolex Industries and Mr. Nanik Rupani, Chairman, Priyadarshni Academy, among others

Bajan Sandhya:

Date: Apr 27, 2012

Venue: Jai Hind College Auditorium

Organized by: Priyadarshni Academy and Jai Hind College

Chief Guest: Shri Anil Deshmukh, Hon. Minister for Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Protection, Government of Maharashtra

Highlights: Sarangee Ambekar & Group presented some soul-stirring bhajans by the greatest saints of the 16th century including Meerabai, Sant Kabir, Surdas, Tulsidas, Brahmanand and Guru Nanak.

‘Holi Mahotsav’ in Australia:

Date: Mar 23-25, 2012

Venue: Darling Harbour, Australia

Organized by: Bharatya Vidya Bhavan, Australia

Highlights: Priyadarshni Academy coordinated with Bharatya Vidya Bhavan for a Kathak performance by Classical dancer Ms. Shila Mehta at the event

Bajan Sandhya:

Date: Oct 2, 2011

Venue: Rama Watumull Auditorium, K. C. College

Chief Guest: Shri Nitin Gadkari, BJP National President

Highlights: Brilliant young singers, Samir Date and Deepali Somaiya gave a soulful recital of bhajans including some which were favorites of Gandhiji. Shri Gadkari commended the activities of the Academy.

‘Nritya Uphaar’- The Gift of Dance:

Date: Apr 11 - May 1, 2011

Venue: Ravindra Natya Mandir Kala Academy, Prabhadevi

Organized by: Artfeat in collaboration with Priyadarshni Academy

Highlights: A beginner’s journey into the world of Indian Classical Dance-Kathak, Bharata Natyam, Odissi. The programme was repeated from Apr 25 to May 15 and May 9 to May 29 at Vibgyor International School, Goregaon West and Rasika Ranjani Sabha, Chembur, respectively.

‘Holi Mahotsav’ in Australia:

Date: Mar 19, 2011

Venue: Darling Harbour, Australia

Organized by: Bharatya Vidya Bhavan, Australia

Highlights: Priyadarshni Academy coordinated with Bharatya Vidya Bhavan for a Bharata Natyam programme by Classical dancer Ms. Nandini Krishna at the event

Sindhi Cultural programme

Date: Feb 12, 2011

Venue: Jai Hind College Auditorium

Organized by: Sindhi Circle of Jai Hind College in association with Priyadarshni Academy

Chief Guest: Shri L. K. Advani, Chairperson, BJP Parliamentary party

Highlights: Ms. Anila Sunder and her troupe presented the dance ballet “Zaal-Kadenh Zer-Kadenh Zabar”. The Academy donated Rs. 1 lakh towards promotion of Sindhi language and culture.

Kathaknatyam by Ms. Malvika Chandiramani

Date: Dec 28, 2009

Venue: Sophia Bhabha Hall

Organized by: Arvind Nritya Sadhana

Chief Guest: Mr. Nanik Rupani, Chairman, Priyadarshni Academy

Bajan Sandhya:

Date: Nov 16, 2007

Organized by: Priyadarshni Academy in collaboration with Jai Hind College as part of Academy’s project on ‘National Integration Through Dance and Music’

venue: Jai Hind College Auditorium

Chief Guest: Mr. Dilip Walse Patil, Maharashtra Minister for Energy, Higher and Technical Education and Medical Education

Guest of Honor: Mr. Rajnikant Patel, Managing Director and CEO, Bombay Stock Exchange

Special Guests: Dr. Jairaj Phatak, Mumbai Municipal Commissioner, Mr. Joseph Massey, Deputy Managing Director, MultiCommodity Exchange of India Ltd., and Mr. Nanik Shivdasani, Director, Jai Hind College

Highlights: Mr. Shyam Jha rendered bhajans based on Krishna Avtar

Felicitation of Prof. Tomio Mizokami of Osaka University, Japan, and his team

Date: Mar 4, 2007

Purpose: For the performance of a Hindi Play titled Hiroshima Ki Kahani at the I2IT campus in Pune

Krishna Leela Music Programme

Date: Feb 23, 2007

Event: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Auditorium

Guest of Honor: Mr. Nanik Rupani, Chairman, Priyadarshni Academy

Highlights: Organized in aid of the Indian Cancer Society

Bhajan Sandhya by Mrs. Tabassum and Party

Date: Feb 2, 2007

Organized by: Priyadarshni Academy in collaboration with K. C. College as part of Academy’s project on ‘National Integration through Dance and Music’

Chief Guest: Mr. Sudhir Joshi, Minister for Education, Maharashtra

Venue: K. C. College Auditorium

Chief Guest: Mr. Michael Owen, U. S. Consul General

Guest of Honor: Mr. Jignesh Shah, Chairman and Group CEO, Financial Technologies (India) Ltd.

Highlights: The event was sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Gulab Jeswani

Signing of an MoU with Namaste America, a Television network

Date: Mar 10, 2006

Purpose: The Academy will promote the channel and help its visitors to India with information and contacts whereas Namaste America will broadcast the Academy’s activities among overseas Indians in USA.

Sponsorship of Rs. 30,000/-

Date: Jan 31, 2006

Beneficiary: The Sindhi Intercollegiate Competition for Dance and Food Festival

Organized by: K. C. College in Rama Watumull Auditorium

Classical Dance Programme under the National Integration through Dance and Music Project

Date: Jan 20, 2006

Organized by: Priyadarshni Academy in collaboration with K. C. College

Venue: K. C. College, Mumbai

Guest of Honor: Mr. Prakash Dubey, Chief Commissioner of Income Tax and Mr. Bob Harilela, Director, Harilela Group of Companies, Hongkong

Highlights: Artistes of Lasya and Kalasadan, two leading dance Institutions in Mumbai performed dance ballets titled Ritu Vilasa and Ramayana respectively. The first issue of “RAINBOW”, the Academy’s newly christened Newsletter, was released by Mr. Harilela.

Bhajan Sandhya by Mrs. Tabassum and Party

Date: Oct 4, 2005

Organized by: Priyadarshni Academy in collaboration with Jai Hind College as part of Academy’s project on ‘National Integration through Dance and Music’

Venue: Jai Hind College Auditorium

Chief Guest: Mr. A. K. Purwar, Chairman, State Bank of India

Dignitaries present: Mr. Yugal Sharma, Country Manager, Polycom India, and Mr. Prem Lalvani, Chairman, Alliance of Sindhi Associations of Americas Inc., USA

Highlights: Fourteen musicians provided a three-hour, soul-stirring musical extravaganza with songs representing a wide spectrum of cultures and religions. The event was cosponsored by Canara Bank

Sponsorship of Rs. 12,000/-

Date: Oct 5, 2004

Beneficiary: NASEOH

Purpose: For the Hindi Drama “Jis Lahore Nahin Dekha”

Cheti Chand Mela and Sindhyat Ji Raat

Date: Mar 20, 2004

Organized by: International Sindhi Panchayats’ Federation Foundation and Bombay Presidency Radio Club

Venue: Radio Club

Guest of Honor: Mr. Nanik Rupani

Financial assistance of Rs. 10,000/-

Date: Mar 9, 2004

Beneficiary: Dr. Nishigandha Wad Gaurav Visheshank Samiti

Purpose: For promotion of Indian Arts and Culture from the Academy

Classical dance under the project “National Integration through Dance and Music” under the auspices of Celebrating India

Date: Jan 23, 2004

Organized by: The Academy and Jai Hind College

Venue: Jai Hind College Auditorium

Guest of Honor: Dr. Jagannathrao Hedge, Sheriff of Mumbai, and Mr. Kiran Shantaram, Ex-Sheriff of Mumbai

Dignitaries present: Mr. Nanik Rupani, Chairman, and Mr. Niranjan Hiranandani, Vice President, Priyadarshni Academy, Prof. Nanik Shivdasani, Principal, Jai Hind College and Col. Sudhir Sawant (MLC), Convenor-Celebrating India.

Highlights: Ms. Irena and Mr. Vojtech Havlovi, well-known Czech musicians rendered a unique blend of Czech and Indian folk tunes. Kaishiki Nrityabhasha performed Rukmani Haran Ballet, an Odissi dance ballet, choreographed by the Odissi dance exponent Daksha Mashruwala. Soundarya Natya Kalalaya performed Navarasa Ballet, choreographed by Guru Mrs. Padmini Radhakrishnan.

Classical music under the project “National Integration through Dance and Music”

Date: Jun 20, 2003

Organized by: The Academy and Kishinchand Chellaram College

Venue: Rama Watumull Auditorium, Mumbai

Guest of Honor: Mr. Pankaj Udhas and Mr. Talat Aziz

Special Guests: Mr. Shailesh Haribhakti, President, Indian Merchants’ Chamber, Mr. V. Ranganathan, Ex Chief Secretary, Govt. of Maharashtra, Justice Y.V. Chandrachud, Former Chief Justice of India, Mr. Rahardjo Mustadjab, Consul General of Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Hou Wei, Consul of Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Mumbai, Mr. Zhu Darong, Consul (Economic & Commercial), Consulate General of People’s Republic of China in Mumbai

Highlights: The programme presented Instrumental Jugalbandi by Mr. Satish Krishnamurthy and the Hare Krishna Troupe, nice rendition on the Santoor by Mr. Ranjeet Pathak and a melodious vocal recital by Ms. Sunita.

Dance performance “Transavatar”

Date: Mar 8, 2003

Organized by: The Academy in co-ordination with Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts

Venue: Sophia Bhabha Hall

Highlights: The Academy extended sponsorship support of Rs. 13,650/

Sanskriti Mahotsav

Date: Feb 10, 2003

Organized by: Nupur Zankar

Venue: Nehru Centre Auditorium

Highlights: The Academy sponsored Rs. 5,000/- for the event

Kathak recital by Mrs. Shila Mehta and vocal recital by Mrs. Padma Talwalkar

Date: Jan 14, 2003

Organized by: Nupur Zankar Academy

Venue: Nehru Centre Auditorium

Highlights: Academy extended support of Rs. 5,000/- towards the co-sponsorship

Sindhi Singing contest on the occasion of Lal-Loi-Lohri

Date: Jan 13, 2003

Organized by: H.R. College in association with Priyadarshni Academy

Venue: H.R. College

Chief Guest: Mr. Nanik Rupani

Kuchipudi dance recital and ballet ‘Krishan Parijatam’ by Smt. Padma Tatapudy and her troupe from Kuchipudi Kala Kendra for the National Centre for the Performing Arts

Date: May 3, 2002

Venue: Godrej Dance Academy’s auditorium

Highlights: The Academy supported Ms. Padma Tatupudy with Rs. 3,500/-.

Classical dance program under the project ‘National Integration through Dance and Music’

Date: Mar 5, 2002

Venue: Jai Hind College

Guest of Honor: Mr. V. Ranganathan, Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra, Mr. David Good, U.S. Consul General, Mr. Pankaj Udhas, well-known singer, Ms. Poonam Dhillon, film personality, Mr. Nanik Shivdasani, Principal, Jai Hind College, and Mr. Nanik Rupani

Highlights: The programme featured Odissi dance by Ms. Raminder Khurana and Ms. Aparna Mukherji in a duet performance and Kuchipudi dance by Ms. Sravanya Rao

Kathak dance in ‘Sanskriti Mahotsav’, programme

Date: Dec 16, 2001

Organized by: Nupur Zankar Academy of Performing Arts

Performed by: Kathak dancer-choreographer, Smt. Shila Mehta and her students

Venue: Iskcon Auditorium, Iskcon temple, Juhu beach

Highlights: The event was supported by Priyadarshni Academy with a sponsoring Rs. 10,000/- with the view to preserve the country’s heritage through the promotion of Indian performing arts and artists.

Classical music programme under the project “National Integration through Dance and Music”

Date: Oct 13, 2001

Venue: Nehru Centre Auditorium

Chief Guest: Mr. Ashok Chavan, Maharashtra Minister for Revenue and Protocol

Guest of Honor: Mr. Uday Kotak, Vice-Chairman, Kotak Mahindra Finance Ltd

Special Guests: Mr. Niranjan Hiranandani and Ms. Poonam Dhillon

Highlights: Smt. Shashikala Kaikini, Aditi Kaikini Upadhya (accompanied by Satyajit Talwalkar on the tabla) and Kavita Das Rooj (with Mohan on the Veena) gave melodious performances. Flutist Sunil Kant Gupta and Carnatic violinist Shri K. Shivakumar (accompanied by Shri Vibhav Nageshkar and Shri V. Shyam Sunder on the tabla and mridangam respectively) provided a jugalbandi.

Sponsorship of Rs. 2000/-

Date: Mar 8, 2001

Beneficiary: The Jyoti Kala Mandir

Purpose: As part sponsorship of a Sindhi drama it presented.

Payment of Rs. 500/-

Date: Feb 16, 2001

Beneficiary: Mr. Madhukar Goswami

Purpose: Towards the publishing expenses of a book of devotional songs in Sindhi written by his Guru Shri Asudaramji

Third programme in the series, “National Integration through Dance and Music’

Date: Jan 23, 2001

Venue: Jai Hind College

Chief Guest: Union Minister of State for Power, Mrs. Jayawantiben Mehta

Guest of Honor: Commissioner of Police, Mumbai, Mr. M.N. Singh

Highlights: Three very talented young artistes, Ms. Prachi Shah (Kathak), Mr. Raul D’Souza (Bharatha Natyam), and Ms. Shubhada Rajesh (Odissi) gave performances

Bhajan Sandya, on the occasion of Krishna Janmashtami

Date: Aug 22, 2000

Venue: Sri Krishna Gyan Mandir, Wadala

Highlights: Mr. Raman Kirtane, Ms. Madhuri Karmarkar, and Mr. P. S. Krishnamurthy rendered the devotional music

Second programme in the series of “National Integration through Dance and Music’

Date: Jan 29, 2000

Venue: Nehru Centre Auditorium

Chief Guest: Dr. V. S. Gopalakrishnan, Director General, World Trade Centre

Highlights: Upcoming and talented artists, Aditya Kalyanpur (Tabla), Arundhati Sheolikar (Dhrupad Vocal), Amin Ali Khan (Sarod) and Bhupal Panshikar (Sitar) rendered the classical music recitals. Dignitaries from the music world, like Ustad Allarakha, Mrs. Sunayana Hazarilal, Ustad Shamim Ahmed Khan, Mrs. Pramila Dagar, Mrs. Nina Mehta, and Mrs. Rajendra Mehta graced the occasion.

Kathak Recital by Mr. Chitresh Das and his troupe (U.S.A.)

Date: Jan 23, 2000

Organized by: Nupur Zankar

Venue: ISKCON Auditorium, Juhu

Highlights: The Academy supported the event by donating Rs. 5,000/-

“Krishna Janmotsav” Programme

Date: Sep 2, 1999

Organized by: Krishna Gyan Mandir

Venue: Wadala, Mumbai

Highlights: The Academy sent its group of bhajan artists consisting of Mr. P. S. Krishnamurthy, Mr. Debangshu Chakraborty, Mr. Rajesh David, and Mr. Jayant Niralkar for the programme. They presented beautiful and melodious Krishna bhajans to a gathering of about 2000 devotees. The artists had come through the Academy’s “National Integration through Dances & Music” project. The other prominent artists who presented bhajans and kirtans on this occasion were Mr. Ramesh Kavishwar, Mr. Mahendra Jagriya, Pt. Mahadev Mishra, and Pt. Daliliji.

Meetings with Classical Dancers and Musicians

Date: Jul 12 and 14, 1999

Venue: Indian Merchants’ Chamber and at the Board Room of Enkay Telecommunications (India) Ltd., Worli

Purpose: To brief the artists about the objectives of the Academy’s project “National Integration through Dances and Music”.

First program under Priyadarshni Academy’s project “National Integration through Dances & Music”

Date: Jun 26, 1999

Organized by: The Academy in collaboration with Jai Hind College

Venue: Jai Hind College Auditorium

Guest of Honor: Dr. V. Subramanian, President, Mr. Shanmukhananda Fine Arts & Sangeeta Sabha

Highlights: The project features a series of performances presenting by outstanding and upcoming classical musicians and dancers covering the entire range and depth of our classical arts. Ms. Ranjana Phadke presented Kathak; Ms. Padma Tatapudy presented Kuchipudi, and Ms. Nandini Krishna, the Bharatha Natyam dance forms.

Electric Parade to celebrate “India Tourism Day”

Date: Jan 25, 1999

Organized by: The Tourism Department of Western and Central region

Venue: From Nariman Point to Girgaum, Chowpatty

Highlights: About 20 floats depicting important monuments and cultural traditions of different States and Union Territories of India participated in the parade. Priyadarshni Academy, in collaboration with IndusInd Bank Limited, participated in the Parade by putting up a Float which depicted the beauty and glory of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization. The highlight of the Float was the cultural show presented by the Group of the renowned dancer, Ms. Anila Sunder.

International Sindhi Conference and Cultural festival

Date: Jan 3-5, 1999

Organized by: Indian Institute of Sindhology

Venue: Adipur-Gandhidham Inaugurated by : Mr. L. K. Advani, Union Minister for Home

Guest of Honor: Mr. Ram Jethmalani, Minister for Urban Development

Special Guest: Mr. Nanik Rupani

Highlights:Priyadarshni Academy contributed Rs.1,00,000/- on the occasion. The theme of the conference was “Sindhis - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”.

Sindhi Cultural programme

Date: Sept 8, 1997

Organized by: Maharashtra Rajya Sindhi Sahitya Academy

Venue: Patkar Hall, Mumbai

Guest of Honor: Mr. Gopinath Munde, Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Mr. Pramod Navalkar, Minister for Cultural Affairs and Mr. Anil Deshmukh, Minister of State for Education, Maharashtra

Highlights: Priyadarshni Academy sponsored Rs.30,000/- for the event

Award Function and Annual Programme of Bharat Nirman

Date: April 19, 1998

Venue: ISCKON Auditorium

Chief Guest: Mr. Ramanand Sagar, Film Producer and Director

Guest of Honor: Mr. Nanik Rupani

Significance: To honor ten talented ladies from Maharashtra in various fields like music, education, medicine, social work, etc.

Jhulelal-Jo-Melo organized by Mumbai Sindhi Cloth Merchants and Commission Agents Association

Date: Mar 29, 1998

Venue: Khar, Mumbai

Purpose: Celebration of Cheti Chand and Sindhi New Year.

Special Guest of Honor: Mr. Nanik Rupani

National Integration Mela

Date: Feb 2, 1997

Sponsored by: Priyadarshni Academy

Participants: Students representing various universities of India

Venue: K. C. College Grounds

Highlights: Students set up their own stalls serving food delicacies particular to their respective States. Folk music and dancing added to the lively ambience.

“Sankalp” National Integration Camp-97

Date: Feb 2, 1997

Organized by: The NCC Cell, University of Mumbai

Participants: NSS volunteers from 17 universities

Venue: R.D. National College, Bandra

Chief Guest: Governor of Maharashtra Dr. P.C. Alexander

Guest of Honor: Mr. Nanik Rupani

Highlights: Priyadarshni Academy contributed Rs.25,000/- towards the sponsorship of “Sankalp-97”

‘Grand Drama Festival’ of Sindu Kala Mandir

Date: Apr 25, 1996

Venue: Jai Hind College auditorium

Inaugurated by: Mr. Subir Kumar Chaudhary, Sheriff of Mumbai

Presided by: Mr. Notandas Jagwani

Guests of Honor: Mr. Ram Jawhrani, Mr. Ram Moorani, Mr. Devandas Mulchandani, Mr. N. D. Golani, Mr. Murli Adnani and Mr. Nanik Rupani

Inauguration of first batch of Bharata Natyam and Sanskrit classes

Date: Apr 16, 1996

Venue: Kalasadan Society’s Chintamani Ashram of Fine Arts at Titwala

Chief Guest: Ms. Hema Malini, renowned film-star, Mr. P. Jayaraj, veteran actor, Mr. Nanik Rupani, Guru Chintamaniji and Guru Mahalingam Pillai

Chand and Gudi Padwa Mela

Date: Mar 18, 1996

Organized by: International Sindhi Panchayats’ Federation, Bombay Presidency Radio Club and Sindhu Cultural Association

Venue: Radio Club Pier, Colaba

Chief Guest: Ma Haridevi P. Vaswani

Guest of Honor: Mr. Ramanand Sagar, Film & TV Producer, Mr. D. M. Harish, Sr. Income Tax Advocate, Mr. Adhik Shirodkar, MP, Mr. Nanik Rupani, Mr. Prabhakar B. More, Minister of State for Home, Law & Industry, Maharashtra, Justice S. C. Pratabh, Mr. Suresh Keswani, MP and leading industrialist Mr. Ashok Hinduja

Cultural programme “Sun Without Drugs”

Date: Mar 11, 1996

Organized by: Directorate of Social Welfare, Pune, Government of Maharashtra

Venue: Patkar Hall, Mumbai Inaugurated by : Mr. Babanraoji Gholap, Minister, Social Welfare

Chairperson: Mr. Shivajirao Naik, Minister of State, Liquor Prohibition

Dignitaries present: Mr. M.R. Patil, Chief Secretary, Social Welfare, Mr. Satish M. Gavai, Director, Social Welfare, Mr. Mushtak Kazi, Asst. Director, Social Welfare, Mr. M.R. Patil, Chief Secretary, Social Welfare, Mr. Satish M. Gavai, Director, Social Welfare, and Mr. Mushtak Kazi, Asst. Director, Social Welfare

Guest of Honor: Mr. Nanik Rupani and Ms. Poonam Dhillon Thakeria, famous Hindi film actor

Highlights: All the speakers lauded the work of Priyadarshni Academy in creating awareness against drug addiction through various workshops and seminars in educational institutions

‘Sur Chander Ja, Raat Chander Ji’, a musical extravaganza

Date: Jan 12, 1996

Organized by: Sahyog Foundation

Venue: Rang Sharda auditorium

Chief Guest: Mr. Gajanan Kirtikar, Maharashtra Minister for State for Home

Guest of Honor: Mr. Nanik Rupani, Music maestro Naushad, Mr. Nari Gursahani and Mr. Mangharam Sipahimalani

Highlights: Singers, Mr. Anup Jalota, Ms. Sulakshna Pandit, Ms. Padmaja Phainani, Mr. Mahesh Chand, Mr. Gope Chander and Ms. Shiela Mangtani performed in the event.

Janmashtami Programme

Date: Aug 17, 1995

Venue: Krishna Gyan Mandir, Wadala

Highlights: Priyadarshni Academy sponsored a Bhajan Programme by Mr. Manhar Udhas and his party, which was organized by Ms. Nandini Krishnan

“Peace through Theatre in Train” programme

Date: Nov 18, 1994

Organized by: The Centre for Cultural Relations and co-sponsored by the Academy

Highlights: The Academy contributed a total of Rs. 8,000/- in four installments for the cause of promoting national integration

Priyadarshni Academy’s TENTH annual awards function

Date: Sept 19, 1994

Venue: Regal Room of Hotel Oberoi Towers

Chief Guest: Dr. Bal Ram Jakhar, Minister of Agriculture, Government of India

Chairperson: Mr. Sharad Pawar, Chief Minister of Maharashtra

Guests of Honor: Mr. Govindrao Adik, MP, Mr. Nana Chudasama, Mumbai Sheriff, Mr. Marzban J Patrawala, Mr. I. M. Kadri, Architect, Mr. Harcharan Singh Josh, President of Indian council of World Affairs, Rev. Fr. AureliusMaschio of the Don Bosco School, Mr. Ashok Hinduja, Industrialist, Ms. Poonam Dhillon, Film Actress and Ms. Meenakshi Seshadri, Film Actress

Highlights: Mr. Raj Kamal presented a musical programme

Kala Sadan Annual Function

Date: Feb 18, 1993

Venue: Patkar Hall

Chief Guest: Mr. Nanik Rupani

Guest of Honor: Dr. V. S. Venkatavaradan, Director, Nehru Planetarium

“Sarva Dharma Maitri Yatra”

Date: Dec 15, 1991

Organized by: Sarva Dharma Maitri Pratishthan

Purpose: To foster inter-communal harmony and promote national integration

Highlights: Mr. Nanik Rupani and a hundred volunteers of the Academy participated in the yatra

Musical programme “Folk Music to Classical Music” by Ms. Sushila Pohankar and Mr. Ajay Pohankar

Date: Nov 18, 1991

Venue: Shivaji Mandir, Dadar

Organized by: Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Chitrapat Mahamandals

Highlights: The Academy presented Rs. 11,000/- to Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Chitrapat Mahamandal

Priyadarshni Academy’s SEVENTH Annual Awards function

Date: Sept 19, 1991

Venue: Regal Room of Hotel Oberoi Towers

Guests of Honor: Mr. Sushil Kumar Shinde, Minister for Urban Development, Maharashtra, Mr. Ramrao Adik, State Minister for Finance and Planning, Maharashtra and Mr. Shantaram Potdukhe, Union Minister of State for Finance

Highlights: Kalyanji-Anandji, famous musical duo and their party provided the melodious music

Contribution of Rs. 5,000/-

Date: Apr 20, 1991

Beneficiary: Mumbai Marathi Sahitya Sangh

Purpose: To partly meet its “Vinodi Sahitya Sammelan”

Dance Ballet “Durga” by Ms. Hema Malini

Date: Feb 13, 1990

Venue: Shanmukhananda Hall, Mumbai

Organized by: Jaya Charity Home, in aid of “Niwara”, home for the aged

Sponsored by: Priyadarshni Academy with amount of Rs. 90,000/-

“Sindhiyat Ji Sham”

Date: Jan 24, 1990

Venue: Shanmukhananda Hall, Mumbai

Participants: Popular Sindhi artistes Ramesh Rajpal, Kishin Juriani, Mahesh Chander, Ghanshyam Vaswani, Sushi Ahuja, Shiela Mangtani and Tina Mangtani

Grand show of Sindhi artistes called “Sindhayats Ji Sham”

Date: Jun 23, 1989

Venue: Birla Matushri Hall in Mumbai

Occasion: In memory of the late Prof. Ram Panjwani, Ms. Bhagwanti Nawani and Master Chander

Premiere of Children’s film “CHATRAN”

Date: Apr 27, 1988

Venue: Metro Cinema

Chief Guest: Prof. Ram Meghe, Maharashtra Minister for Sports and Cultural Affairs

Presentation of the “Bhagwati Award” for Music of Rs. 1000/-

Date: Jan 30, 1988

Beneficiary: Mr. Shivo Ramnani

“Ekta Ki Awaz” organized by “Bharat Bharti”

Date: Aug 5, 1987

Venue: New Delhi

Purpose: To release audio cassettes on National Integration

Chief Guest: Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, Prime Minister of India

Guests of Honor: Mr. P. V. Narasimha Rao, Union Minister of Human Resource Development and Mr. Kona Prabhakar Rao, President of Bharat Bharti

Special Invitees: Chairman, Mr. Nanik Rupani and General Secretary, Mr.Ram Jawhrani

Highlights: Sindhi part of National Integration song was presented by artistes of Priyadarshni Academy

Inauguration of Priyadarshni Academy

Date: Mar 18, 1985

Venue: Tejpal Auditorium

Inaugurated by: Dr. V. Subramanian, Maharashtra Minister for Housing

Chief Guest: Mr. Vilasrao Deshmukh, Home Minister of State for Maharashtra Dignitaries

Present: Mr. Murli Adnani, Prof. Popati Hiranandani, Mr. Jamnadas Lalwani, Mrs. Kaushi Mirpuri, Mr. Ramkrishin Advani, Mr. Chander Manghnani, Mr. Madhav Balwani, Ms. Anila Sunder, Mr. Hotchand Advani, Prof. Ram Panjwani and Mr. Nanik Rupani

Highlights: Mr. Rupani declared that the Academy would be a platform for the upliftment of people, to give free educational facilities to those who do not have the means and to inculcate in the younger generation, the real values of Indian culture through relevant events. The inauguration was followed by a Sindhi cultural programme. Kathak dancer, Ms. Anila Sunder, presented a play highlighting different festivals of India.